Write To Fight: Dogtown RD

This was something I wrote a while ago. These poems are a perfect example of how I use daily verses to release emotions and create music. . . Even positive emotions. 

DogTown Rd is the story about how I met my best friend (my sidekick).


A couple of years ago, a friend pointed this girl out every weekend. He would go on and on about how gorgeous she was. After hearing about her day after day, I finally was curious enough to go talk to her. I subtly walked up to speak to her friend and tried to slip in some side conversation with her. I did this repeatedly every weekend until I was comfortable enough to talk directly to her. It got to the point where I couldn’t wait for the weekend to come so I could speak to her about how her week went or her future in the wildlife field. The more and more I enjoyed her company, the more I started writing about it. Eventually, I showed her the poems, found out she had a beautiful singing voice, and we turned it into a song.

Hey girl, what’s new
It’s been a while
I know you’ve been gone for so long
But I can’t forget your smile
How’s the place, new town, new pace
I hope you don’t forget my face
It won’t be easy getting replaced
Just know I am messing with you
You miss all of the clues
You are so gullible
But I still miss it all

I’ll be the shore if you are the ocean
I’ll watch your waves crash in slow-motion
If you wonder what’s the matter
I hate when your warm embrace scatters out

I remember the first day that I looked your way
That smile left me without words to say
But you had no problem filling the space
With the same old things we love talking about
Your future with nature and the tree that you’ll help
I know that you might think I’m kidding again
But I can’t wait to hear about it
Every single weekend

I dread the day that you ask what’s the deal
Because I know that I’ll lie and tell you that I feel like
I have to be forever alone
As if I’m not waiting for the tide to roll home
I’ll be the shore if you are the ocean
I’ll watch your waves crash in slow-motion
If you wonder what’s the matter
I hate when your warm embrace scatters out

I wouldn’t consider this a love story. Today, love is no longer an emotion but a form of currency. Everyone expects a return on their investment. People want something of equal value, as if love is tangible. I don’t barter with my emotions. I only express them. The people I express my feelings to have no obligations or debt, nor are they responsible for my feelings. This is a story about a friend that means the world to me, not a love story.


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