Write To Fight: Dogtown RD
This was something I wrote a while ago. These poems are a perfect example of how I use daily verses to release emotions and create music. . . Even positive emotions.
DogTown Rd is the story about how I met my best friend (my sidekick).
A couple of years ago, a friend pointed this girl out every weekend. He would go on and on about how gorgeous she was. After hearing about her day after day, I finally was curious enough to go talk to her. I subtly walked up to speak to her friend and tried to slip in some side conversation with her. I did this repeatedly every weekend until I was comfortable enough to talk directly to her. It got to the point where I couldn’t wait for the weekend to come so I could speak to her about how her week went or her future in the wildlife field. The more and more I enjoyed her company, the more I started writing about it. Eventually, I showed her the poems, found out she had a beautiful singing voice, and we turned it into a song.
girl, what’s new
remember the first day that I looked your way
I wouldn’t consider this a love story. Today, love is no longer an emotion but a form of currency. Everyone expects a return on their investment. People want something of equal value, as if love is tangible. I don’t barter with my emotions. I only express them. The people I express my feelings to have no obligations or debt, nor are they responsible for my feelings. This is a story about a friend that means the world to me, not a love story.
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