Update: Plans for Silver Lights Productions' Blog
I wanted to discuss the future of the Silver Lights Production blog. I have a lot of ideas and potential content I want to discuss to help our growing community of people grow. It's honestly my dream to help people realize they can do whatever they want in life. Unfortunately, nothing happens as fast as we want them to. . .
I am currently attending Secondary school to develop the skills needed to do what I want to do with this blog. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to develop the content I wanted to with supervision from a professional in business. After getting started, planning, and writing content, I realized that what I want will take some serious time I do not have at the moment. Not only am I going to school, but working a full-time job, writing for Silver Lights, and helping other musicians.
For now, I will be focusing on teasing the potential content I plan to create in the future, sharing my writing processes for lyrics and melodies, and continuing Artist Reviews. I plan to expand the other categories at least once a month, but I will be taking my time and doing the research to give you the best content I can.
Thank you for all the support so far. I've read your emails, and you motivate me to continue doing what I love!
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