Artist Review: Adjust The Sails


Many bands and artists are creating amazing music right now, but it’s difficult to comb through it all! There are thousands of new artists every year merging genres, experimenting with concepts, and bringing nostalgic influences back. I cannot stick to just one sound or artist for too long because of all the new-age music. I listen to a new artist every day, analyze what makes this artist so unique, and try to spread the word about their beautiful work. For this reason, every week or so, I want to discuss three artists that influence how I look at music. Whether the artist is newer, older, or somewhere in the middle, I want to make music lovers of these wonderful artists everywhere! With every “ Artist Run-Down” post I create, I will have an updated Spotify playlist link with all the innovative music I’ve listened to within their genre. Let’s get started!

Adjust The Sail- Atlanta, Georgia

Adjust the Sails is an acoustic/ Midwest Emo Artist located in South Carolina. He dwells in the classic basement band niche, and he does nothing but thrives in it! He is a personal friend of my mind and one of my marketing idols. He’s spent countless hours studying his fan base and creating strategic campaigns to reach them. The Mid-West Emo niche is not easy to market because of its raw-untamed sound. It’s one of those genres you either hate or you love. Amazingly, Adust The Sails has taken the love and hate under his wing and became the melancholy emo dad for his 86k+ following on his Tik Tok. Whether you watch his Tik Toks find emo music, get support from dad, or talk smack with him about his music, there’ll be fresh content for you to watch. Adjust The Sails has practically dropped paid advertising for his and replaced it with a free and purely organic medium without losing momentum. With over 40k monthly listeners on Spotify and 1m+ listens on Mike Watson- Basement Version, He’s proved any genre can thrive if you do the work and connect with your audience. 


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